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Take Our Advice



So what's going on here?

Jazz and Hound are offering Inferno some helpful lovers' advice! :D Come on, Jazz has Prowl, Hound has Mirage, Inferno has Red Alert...... anyone ever noticed that these three are drawn to (how do I say it nicely) up-tighty bots?

Probably telling Inferno how to cope with the whole Red Alert X Starscream thing I've been spinning lately :XD:

I can only imagine how the conversation goes! Hmm, I'm sensing a plot bunny.....


Take Our Advice
by AosakiKeiko

Inferno stared at his reflection with the mug, swirling the energon contents slowly. He sighed shifted his weight within the massive transformer sized couch.

Jazz suddenly sat beside Inferno, throwing is arms over the back of the couch, and casually started talking. “So, what’s goin’ on between you and the paranoid security chief?”

“J-Jazz?” Startled by the saboteur’s arrival, Inferno jolted and spilled some energon. “What makes you think-”

“When I walked by earlier, you hadn’t moved an inch and I don’t think the contents of that mug changed much either.”

Inferno cracked a smile. “Okay, okay, ya caught me, but I was just doing some thinking.”

“Thinking about you and Red?”

“I ain’t telling‘.”

Jazz tilted his head back and sighed. “Okay, quid pro quo, my friend.”

“Quick what?”

“If you tell me a little something, I’ll tell you a little something.”

Inferno frowned. “Like what?”

Jazz shrugged and glanced at Inferno, “I dunno, man, tell me a secret ‘bout you an‘ Red.”

Hound grinned and sat at Inferno’s other side. “Oh, I like this game.”

“Hound?” The fire engine shook his head, he couldn‘t believe this!. “When did you…?”

“Does it matter? So what’s this with you and Red?”

“It’s no big deal, you guys,” Inferno tried to tell them. “I’m just thinking is all.”

“About Red,” Hound stated. “Right?”

“Yes, yes, about Red.”

Jazz leaned back and set his hands behind his head. Smiling, he stared up at the ceiling. “Ya know, sometimes I catch myself thinking of Prowl at the weirdest times.”

Inferno and Hound shut right up and turned to Jazz, listening intently.

“Prowl is a completely different mech when we‘re alone.” Jazz lowered his gaze from the ceiling, as if ending a daydream, and turned his face to the two with whom he shared the couch. “Prowl ain’t always so uptight, sometimes he can be a normal kinda ‘bot, you know?”

“How so?”

“If I tell you, he’ll kill me.”

Hound laughed softly. “I think I know what you mean, even Mirage can have a fun side to him. Just once, I’d like to see him act that way in front of the others, but when he does it for me, I can’t help but feel special, like it was meant for me and me only.”

Inferno looked down as both mechs fixed him with a look that said: You’re turn! “Red ain’t so bad either, I just think he’s afraid of showing it, no one needs to know that the security director ain’t so tough, ya know?”

Jazz grinned. “After a long days’ work, Prowl would will sit an’ relax, I like to give him a hot oil massage to help him with that. Primus knows that even when he’s relaxin’ he’s workin’!”

“A massage?” Hound smiled broadly before shaking his head. “If that’s all it takes…”

The Porsche quirked the corner of his mouth and his visor beamed brightly. “It’s not.”

“Mirage gets nostalgic and sometimes it just gets him in such miserable mood. I made him some holograms of Cybertron, based off images in my files and pictures he’s shown me, and I just sort of recreate his suburb of Cybertron. Gives him peace of mind, reassures him that we’ll be going back home someday.”

Inferno smiled, Hounds idea was cute. “I wish Red was easy to sway like that. Sometmes we’re jus’ arguing for no reason, no reason at all. He bends and twists my words as if he’s still looking for some sort of hidden agenda. Sometimes I just have to let him vent or calm him by force.”

The corner of Jazz’s mouth quirked upward. “By force?”

“I kiss him.”

Jazz grinned radiantly, amused by the pink color that appeared across Inferno‘s cheeks. “Is that all?”

“W-what do you think?”

“I think there’s more.”

“Well, Ah ain’t tellin’.”

Jazz shrugged. “Prowl ain’t one for kissing, I always have to instigate it and then I came to the conclusion that he really doesn’t know how.”

“He can't kiss?”

“Kissing and all things romantic, it jus' ain’t in his programming, I guess.”

Hound leaned forward and glanced across Inferno to Jazz. “Not just Prowl, Mirage rarely starts anything either.” Then he glanced at Inferno. “I bet Red is the same way.”

“Not exactly,” the fire truck cringed, raising his mug to drink.

“Not exactly?” Hound twisted in his seat and looked Inferno dead in the optics. “This I gotta hear.”


I dunno if I'll turn it into a full fic :shrug:

Heh, never figured the mechs gossip like chicks.... makes me wonder what their "signifigant others" say about them! ;P
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dalin715's avatar
lol Xdi do wander what their significant others say about them, that would be pretty amusing